eBook: Incucyte® Application Posters: Advanced Cell Model Assays for Every Scientist

Incucyte live-cell analysis continues to provide valuable information for cell QC and analyzing health in simple cell models, but has now become a powerful method for analyzing advanced cell models and functional phenotypes across multiple steps in the cell biologist’s workflow. For example, recently, we have evolved our assays to enable characterization and analysis of spheroid and neurological models, perform deeper studies of cellular interactions, and to identify cell subpopulations based on phenotype.

Since our last edition of this application poster eBook, we have entered a new era of creative development in response to the ever increasing demand for more integrated research using precious, or sensitive cells, often in co-culture, where data from each sample must be maximized, and experimental workflows have become more complex. Thorough characterization of function, phenotype, activation, and cell identity is a now a necessity for comprehensive biological understanding.

In this eBook, we chose to highlight the posters that feature the latest developments in our system, applications, reagents, and software. We demonstrate how real-time analysis takes researchers beyond confines of simple cell models and laborious traditional endpoint assays that provide biology “snapshots” into the realm of greater understanding—a portrait of dynamic and more translational biology in real time.

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