Incucyte® Nuclight Reagents

Incucyte® Nuclight Reagents enable efficient, non-perturbing, nuclear labeling of living cells, using a range of different cell-labelling strategies. Our Lentiviral-based labeling reagents enable expression of a nuclear-restricted green (GFP), red (mKate2), orange (TagRFP) and NIR (iRFP713) fluorescent protein in your choice of primary, immortalized, dividing, or non-dividing cells. Alternatively, cells can also labeled with our Nuclight Rapid Red or NIR nuclear binding fluorescent dyes.

These versatile labeling reagents have been validated for use with the Incucyte® Live-Cell Analysis System and enable automated cell counting within your tissue culture incubator. The Incucyte® Nuclight live-cell labeling reagents are ideal for use in cell counting and proliferation studies and can be easily multiplexed with other Incucyte® Cell Health reagents for simultaneous measurements of apoptosis and cytotoxicity in monoculture or co-culture models.

Label cell nuclei and accurately count living cells in real time without altering

Label cell nuclei and accurately count living cells in real time without altering cell function. Time-lapse movie of co-cultured nuclear-labeled HT1080 cells (green nuclei, Nuclight Green) and A549 cells (red nuclei, Nuclight Red). Note the healthy cell morphology over the 72 hour period and the different doubling times of the two cell types which can be derived from the time vs. cell count plot (doubling times; HT-1080, 16 hours; A549, 20 hours)

Incucyte® Nuclight Reagents – IncuCyte® Publications

Researchers around the world are using Incucyte Nuclight Reagents to count living cells in relevent co-cultures and screening models. Explore the Incucyte® publications library and learn why Incucyte systems have been sited in over 2000 peer reviewed publications.

A co-culture genome-wide RNAi screen with mammary epithelial cells reveals transmembrane signals required for growth and differentiation.
Burleigh, A. et al. Breast Cancer Res. 17, (2015).

Researchers at the British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada used Nuclight Red labeled mammary epithelial cells to perform a genome-wide siRNA screen in co-cultures. IncuCyte® proliferation (nuclei counts) and apoptosis assays were used to functionally identify genes regulating mammary epithelial cell growth.

Label and count living cells without perturbing cell function or morphology

  • Count living cells in real time over days – calculate true doubling times and growth rates
  • Non-perturbing to cell biology and function
  • Simple labeling protocols – compatible with your choice of cells
  • Validated for use with the Incucyte® Live-Cell Cell Analysis System
  • Ideal for co-cultures and multiplexing with IncuCyte® apoptosis or cytotoxicity assays

Which Incucyte® NucLight Reagent should I choose?

  • Incucyte Nuclight Lentivirus Reagents are ideal for generating homogeneous, stably expressing cell lines with long term, consistent fluorescence expression. Transduce your cells once and use for multiple studies or screening campaigns.
  • IncuCyte Nuclight Rapid Reagents are ideal in monoculture scenarios where it may be difficult or undesirable to transfect cells with fluorescent proteins. These mix-and-read reagents are perfect when multiple cells lines require rapid and efficient labeling without the need to select for stable clones.

Use the table below to identify which NucLight Reagent suits your needs:

Nuclight Lentivirus Reagents Nuclight Rapid Reagents
Rapid maximal expression < 20h
Expression duration > 72h
Use to make stable cell lines
Ideal for transient expression
Use under BSL1 conditions
Simple protocols

* Duration of expression is cell type dependent. Expression will last longer than 72 hours in slowly dividing, or non-dividing, cells (e.g. neurons) and may last less than 72 hours in some rapidly dividing cell types.

Ordering Information

Incucyte® Nuclight Lentivirus Reagents

Reagent Type Promoter Selection Volume Ex. maxima Ex. minima SDS (US) Catalog No.
IncuCyte® NucLight Green Lentivirus EF-1α Puromycin 0.2 mL 483 nM 506 nM 4624
IncuCyte® NucLight Green Lentivirus EF-1α Puromycin 0.6 mL 483 nM 506 nM 4475
IncuCyte® NucLight Red Lentivirus EF-1α Puromycin 0.2 mL 588 nM 633 nM 4625
IncuCyte® NucLight Red Lentivirus EF-1α Puromycin 0.6 mL 588 nM 633 nM 4476
IncuCyte® NucLight Green Lentivirus EF-1α Bleomycin 0.2 mL 483 nM 506 nM 4626
IncuCyte® NucLight Green Lentivirus EF-1α Bleomycin 0.6 mL 483 nM 506 nM 4477
IncuCyte® NucLight Red Lentivirus EF-1α Bleomycin 0.2 mL 588 nM 633 nM 4627
IncuCyte® NucLight Red Lentivirus EF-1α Bleomycin 0.6 mL 588 nM 633 nM 4478

IncuCyte® Nuclight Rapid Reagents

Reagent Type Promoter Selection Volume Excitation Emission Catalog No.
IncuCyte® NucLight Rapid Red Rapid N/A N/A 50 µL 655 nm 681 nm 4717

IncuCyte® NucLight Pre-labeled Cell Lines

Our pre-labeled IncuCyte® NucLight cell lines enable direct access to cells stably expressing NucLight Green or Red fluorescent proteins. No need to transduce. Simply thaw and use.

Reagent Quantity Selection Ex. maxima Ex. minima Catalog No.
A549 NucLight Green Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 483 nM 506 nM 4492
A549 NucLight Red Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4491
HeLa NucLight Green Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 483 nM 506 nM 4490
HeLa NucLight Red Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4489
HT-1080 NucLight Green Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 483 nM 506 nM 4486
HT-1080 NucLight Red Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4485
MCF7 NucLight Green Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 483 nM 506 nM 4528
MCF7 NucLight Red Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4524
Neuro-2a NucLight Green Cells 2x106 cells/vial Puromycin 483 nM 506 nM 4511
Neuro-2a NucLight Red Cells 2x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4512
THP-1 NucLight Red Cells 1x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4612
Jurkat NucLight Red Cells 1.5x106 cells/vial Puromycin 588 nM 633 nM 4613

Nuclight Protocols

Incucyte® Cell Transduction Protocol

This protocol provides an overview of the Incucyte® Cell Transduction Assay methodology. It is compatible with the IncuCyte® live-cell analysis system and enables real-time cell counting using your choice of cells and treatments. The Incucyte® Nuclight range of live cell labeling reagents are used to fluorescently label the nuclei of living cells without perturbing cell function or biology.

Download the Incucyte® Cell Transduction Protocol

IncuCyte® Nuclight Rapid Red Cell Labeling Protocol

This protocol provides an overview of the Incucyte Nuclight Rapid Cell Labeling Reagent methodology. It is compatible
with the IncuCyte live-cell analysis system and describes how IncuCyte Nuclight Rapid Red can be used to fluorescently
label the nucleus of living cells without perturbing cell function or biology. In addition, this reagent can be multiplexed with IncuCyte® Annexin V Green, Caspase-3/7 Green, or Cytotox Green reagents for simultaneous readouts of apoptosis or cytotoxicity in the same well.

Download the Incucyte® Nuclight Rapid Red Cell Labeling Protocol

Related Applications

Proliferation Assays

Proliferation Assays

Measure label-free cell growth or growth inhibition and count living cells in real time

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Apoptosis Assays

Apoptosis Assays

Detect apoptosis in living cells and in real time using simple mix-and-read protocols

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Cytotoxicity Assays

Cytotoxicity Assays

Real time measurements of cell viability using simple mix-and-read protocols suitable for screening

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